Grand Prismatic Spring

This is Yellowstone National Park. A long lasting dream has become true seeing this amazing place on earth in reality! Whilst the landscape and also the wildlife was even more spectaculous than expected the crowds were larger than we thought...You might not see too many people on my photos but believe me we were not alone. Not even for one minute...Photographing the springs and pools was not as easy as I thought due to the cold outside temperatures causing lots of steam from the hot springs. Still those photos tell me: I was there! I have seen one of the most beautiful places on earth! :-D

5 個留言

  1. roxyvonschlotterstein
    roxyvonschlotterstein ·

    Die LC-A war ne gute Wahl als Reisekamera.

  2. schugger
    schugger ·

    @roxyvonschlotterstein ist sie ja immer...aber ich hatte auch noch 7 andere Kameras dabei ^^
    Es kommen also noch ein paar Bilder in nächster Zeit ;-)

  3. roxyvonschlotterstein
    roxyvonschlotterstein ·

    S.I.E.B.E.N.? oh Gott. :)

  4. schugger
    schugger ·

    @roxyvonschlotterstein mehr passten halt nicht in den Kamerarucksack...:-P

  5. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·


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