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979 張照片 · joined 2022-11-14An enthusiastic Brazilian photographer exploring the analogue world. I prefer tangible things and am passionate about the experience of photographing an idea to see later. I like to share all my r …
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shared by kao-n on 2024-10-11 · 9 張照片 136 -
5,966 張照片 · joined 2015-06-13to work with light and colors is the essence of photography for me, but it is a long way to learn to hear talk of the mountains... mit licht und farben umzugehen ist für mich die essenz der fotog …
Newcomer: 5tanley
106 張照片 · joined 2024-10-06【Kino 黑白電影菲林/Lomography 400 120彩色負片】 攝影愛好者 Stanley:透過攝影使人多留意身邊的事物
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shared by boatchiaowit on 2024-10-12 · 36 張照片 95 -
Newcomer: shorschtown
143 張照片 · joined 2024-10-05 -
9,808 張照片 · joined 2022-01-31The only photos you miss are the photos you don't shoot. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ 📷📸 I've used each of the cameras listed here …
相簿: Holga TIM and FP4plus
shared by fartstorm on 2024-10-11 · 22 張照片 217 -
824 張照片 · joined 2024-08-25instagram: Spotify: check out my music :) miami boi Artist, videograph …
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相簿: Portugal '22 B&W
shared by norapiraga on 2024-10-11 · 17 張照片 70 -
Newcomer: palleroinen
55 張照片 · joined 2024-09-30 -
相簿: Moscow Poklonnaya Hill
shared by ivanna_13 on 2024-10-11 · 6 張照片 32 -
34,459 張照片 · joined 2011-05-17 Top Likers in the Last Month
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Newcomer: g3p5mms
201 張照片 · joined 2024-10-02Film and Loathing in los Grainy
3,250 張照片 · joined 2023-08-04
相簿: Yashica MF-1, Sept - Oct 2024
shared by uomiiou on 2024-10-12 · 17 張照片 25 -
9,733 張照片 · joined 2020-06-17Professional driver, amateur photographer with GAS (You know what Gear Acquisition Syndrome is, don't you Lomographers?) 🙃 Thank you very much for your support. And two more things, if you don …
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shared by nanonino on 2024-10-11 · 13 張照片 44 -
Newcomer: svantesven
185 張照片 · joined 2024-10-06 -
6,374 張照片 · joined 2024-07-07FB : IG :, StockPhoto : StockPhoto : h …
Newcomer: mu55am
53 張照片 · joined 2024-10-02film photographer / multimedia director Based in St. Petersburg, Russia Inst: @mass_them_all
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45 張照片 · joined 2024-10-06— Cats, girls and Russia. My name is Alina, I am 26 years old, and I have been photographing since I was 11 years old. I started getting interested in film photography in the winter of 2023. I w …
shared by ooloney on 2024-10-12 · 9 張照片 31 -
Newcomer: thirstkid
419 張照片 · joined 2024-10-02 上月上載最多用戶
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In the Magazine
written by jasminenuck on 2020-10-07 in #culture九月是酷暑的尾端了吧,不同往年無限延長的夏季,今年的夏比想像中的要提早結束呢!來看社群成員的作品分享吧。
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written by joycelau21 on 2020-04-02 in #people人生大概就是由每個無法預知的事情組成,這個三月可說是如過山車一樣!來看看社群成員的分享!
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written by joycelau21 on 2020-03-16 in大家久等了!2 月的活躍 Lomographer 和作品精選來了!
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written by joycelau21 on 2020-02-10 in #culture2020 年一開首又是一個大挑戰,祝大家身體健康!留在家中的你就來看看大家的菲林攝影作品,為拍攝帶來更多零感吧!
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written by joycelau21 on 2020-01-03 in #people #places一轉眼,新的一年快要開始了!2019 年的好與壞也成過去,願 2020 年會更好、更順利!現在來看看上月本地社群精選作品吧!
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written by joycelau21 on 2019-12-10 in來到今年最後的月份,相信大家也努力堅定的走完了 2019 年!看看本地社群成員的 11 月作品分享!
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written by joycelau21 on 2019-11-12 in #culture回過神來已經是十一月了。在日子過得太快的時候,試著以照片把握每個時光,讓我們可在更好的時候回顧吧!看看上月本地的 LomoHome 作品!
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written by joycelau21 on 2019-10-10 in既然時間總在不知不覺間過去,那就以拍攝於菲林上的實體回憶來讓我們回顧生活吧!看看社群成員們九月的分享!
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written by joycelau21 on 2019-09-04 in #people夏天隨著暑假悄然走向完結,對香港來說,卻是個最不能忘記的夏天。看看 LomoHome 上的菲林作品!
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