WELCOME TO THE DOMINIC REPUBLIC (100% digital free!) Hi! I'm Dom. In Sydney Australia via Vietnam, Thailand and New Zealand. If your photos are analogue and you have filled in the meta data to support it (& to allow me to steal your ideas:) I will like your photos. I try to be honest with my likes as in the beginning the likes taught me what photos worked and which ones didn't. I am who I am because of your likes, so thank you.
我的相片 我的照片集 My Likes
相簿: Sukhothai
shared by pangmark on 2024-08-22 · 11 張照片 181 -
相簿: Silhouettes
shared by pangmark on 2024-08-14 · 7 張照片 86 -
相簿: Dark horizons
shared by pangmark on 2024-08-14 · 30 張照片 340 -
相簿: Road trip
shared by pangmark on 2024-08-07 · 7 張照片 183 -
相簿: Provia and agfa clack go to Thailand
shared by pangmark on 2024-07-19 · 8 張照片 2 161 -
相簿: I went to the camera shop across the road from the beach to buy some film. Bought a simple Kodak camera for the price of the film.
shared by pangmark on 2024-07-13 · 12 張照片 174
My Metas
- Tags:
- 35mm
- 50mm
- aps
- asia
- australia
- b&w
- bangkok
- beach
- cairns
- canon
- cove
- csr
- dalat
- diana
- expat
- expired
- film
- fnq
- fuji
- fun
- girlfriend
- gold
- holga
- kiwi
- kodak
- lomo
- lubitel
- lucky
- mini
- nexia
- nha-trang
- night
- nikon
- palm
- pangmark
- pano
- park
- ql17
- queensland
- rocket
- sardina
- sprocket
- sprocket rocket
- square
- sydney
- thailand
- vietnam
- vito
- voightlander
- walk
- Cameras:
- Agfa Clack
- Agfa Optima Sensor Electronic
- Canon AE-1 Program
- Canon EOS 1
- Canon QL17 G-III
- Holga 120 GCFN
- Holga 120 N
- Holga 120 TLR
- Konica Revio Z3
- Lomo Lubitel 166+
- Lomography Diana F+
- Lomography Diana Mini & Flash Half-frame & Square Camera
- Lomography La Sardina
- Lomography La Sardina - Moonassi Dream Edition
- Lomography Sprocket Rocket
- Nikkormat FTN
- Nikon Pronea-S
- Voightlander Vito Csr
- canon eos ixe
- taron JL
- Films:
- Fuji Nexia 400
- Fuji Nexia A200 expired
- Fuji Pro
- Fuji Pro
- Fuji Pro 400H
- Fuji Provia
- Fuji Superia 200 (35mm)
- Fuji Superia 400 (35mm)
- Fuji Velvia
- Fuji Velvia 120 100
- Fujifilm Nexia 800
- Kodak Advantix 200
- Kodak Advantix 200 expired (APS)
- Kodak Color Plus 200 (35mm)
- Kodak Ektar 100
- Kodak Gold 400 (35mm)
- Lomography 100 CN
- Lomography Color Negative 800 ISO 35mm
- Lomography XPro 200 ISO 35mm
- Lucky Super 200 (35mm)