30. Male. Born in Frankonia.
Kodak Retina IIc, Praktica LTL 3, Olympus OM2n User, Beirette VSN and Holga 120N user.
Always ready for lost places, old buildings and facilities.
Always ready for new expierences.
Interested in all the good old things, which worked decades ago and still do!
Rothenburg odT/Germany
我的相片 我的照片集 My Walls My Likes
相簿: Double Exposures at lost places
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相簿: Homeland
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相簿: Volksbad Color
shared by harv on 2014-08-08 · 5 張照片 -
相簿: Opel 1.2 1935
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相簿: Homegrown 6x6
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相簿: Rollei IR400S set to ISO 20
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My Metas
- Tags:
- 1600
- 200
- 35mm
- 400
- 50mm
- after
- ansbach
- bridge
- buddy
- building
- bw
- cameras
- canon
- chair
- church
- clouds
- color
- demolition
- depot
- dinkelsbuehl
- dinkelsbühl
- ektar
- filter
- frankonia
- ilford
- implosion
- infrared
- ir
- kleinbildformat
- kodak
- lost
- nature
- old
- olympus
- om2n
- phone
- place
- rothenburg
- sfx
- spring
- station
- sunday
- sunny
- sunrise
- sunset
- town
- train
- trees
- walk
- work
- Cameras:
- Beier Beirette VSN
- Canon A-1
- Holga 120 N
- Kodak Retina II C
- Kodak Retina I
- Kodak Retina IIc
- Olympus OM2N
- Praktica LTL
- Rollei 35B
- Rolleicord V
- Sony H200V
- Films:
- Adox CMS 20
- Agfa APX
- Agfa Vista 200
- DM Paradies
- DM Paradies 400 (35mm)
- Fuji Superia 400 (35mm)
- Ilford Delta 3200
- Ilford HP5 Plus 400
- Ilford Pan F
- Ilford SFX
- Ilford SFX 200
- Kodak Ektar 100
- Kodak Portra 160
- Kodak T-max
- Kodak Tri-X 400
- Lomography B&W 100 (120)
- Rollei Infrared
- Rollei Infrared 400 S
- Rollei Nightbird Redscale 800
- color implosion