

Diese Seite habe ich meinem Freund Hellmut Baensch und seiner Frau Ingrid gewidmet. Ich habe ihn 2013 bei einer Vernissage im Röttenbacher Rathaus erlebt. Auf dieser Vernissage wurde die Erstellung eines Gelatinedrucks von Frau Hanna Scheuermeyer vorgeführt. Hellmut hatte ihr die Technik der Edeldrucke beigebracht, damit sie nicht vergessen wird. Erst 2017 haben wir uns dann richtig kennengelernt und ich konnte Hellmut und Ingrid noch unterstützen und eine Menge von seiner Erfahrung lernen. 2018 hatte Hellmut mit 94 Jahren nochmal eine Vernissage in Röttenbach. Er sagte damals, das würde wohl die Letzte für ihn sein. Er hatte recht behalten, kurz nach seinem 95 Geburtstag ist Hellmut gestorben. Bis dahin hat er sein Fotohobby gelebt und mit Dunkelkammer, Lochkamera, Scanner und Photoshop gearbeitet. Ein echter Lomograph, Chapeau!
In seinen Bildern lebt er weiter.
Sein fotographischer Werdegang ist hier nachzulesen:
Copyright friwi49

I have dedicated this page to my friend Hellmut Baensch and his wife Ingrid. I saw him in 2013 at a vernissage in the Röttenbach town hall. At this vernissage, the creation of a gelatin print was demonstrated by Mrs. Hanna Scheuermeyer. Hellmut had taught her the technique of the noble prints so that she would not be forgotten. It was not until 2017 that we really got to know each other and I was still able to support Hellmut and Ingrid and learn a lot from his experience. In 2018, Hellmut had another vernissage in Röttenbach at the age of 94. He said at that time, this would probably be the last one for him. He was right, shortly after his 95th birthday Hellmut passed away. Until then he lived his photo hobby and worked with darkroom, pinhole camera, scanner and Photoshop. A real lomographer, chapeau!
In his pictures he lives on.
Copyright friwi49

His photographic career can be read here:
As part of the "Art in the Castle" event series, Erlangen's Treppenhaus Gallery presents works by Hellmut Baensch in the historic rooms of Hemhofen Castle.

"A Glimpse of Days Gone By"
Classical positive retouching and noble prints after old photographic processes such as bromine oil, oil and rubber printing.

Hellmut Baensch was born in Posen in 1924. After studying at the State School of Graphic Arts in Poznan, he worked professionally as a graphic artist in Hamburg for many decades. In the national and international photo scene Hellmut Baensch has been known for decades as a successful competition participant and exhibition designer. Several international photographic honors adorn his business card: he is an appointed member of the German Society for Photography (DGPh) and was awarded the "Excellence FIAP" by the Fédération Internationale de l'Art Photographique.

Formerly based in Hamburg, Hellmut Beansch (the avid deep-sea fisherman!) has now retired to Röttenbach in central Franconia. Since 1996 he has been a member of the Foto-Amateur-Club Mainleus/Kulmbach e. V. (several times German and Bavarian photo club champion).

Among the special techniques of this dedicated photo artist are mainly old photographic printing processes, often called "noble prints". Behind them are artistic manufacturing processes called oil printing, bromine oil printing and rubber printing.

The Englishman G.E.H. Rawlins (Liverpool) is regarded as the inventor of oil printing, who took up the old photolithographic process of Poitevin (1855). That one must master the basic scientific and technical requirements is a matter of course, but as the most important attributes for such successful work Hellmut Baensch must be credited with patience and obsession, coupled with a convincing personality. The artist comments on his works as follows: "We are always quick to see the dark side of things and people, that is, the negative. I, however, am interested in the view that uplifts people and expresses what is worthy." Accordingly, Hellmut Baensch does not "embellish" his photographic works of art; rather, he directs attention to movements, situations and still lifes that are worthy of thought and contemplation.

A "Edeldruck" is, even if it is a print, always a unique piece. Each print is unique, as the wide variety of processing and coloring techniques means that it is never possible to achieve an identical result, even if the same pattern is made several times. So if you want to hang "a Baensch" in your living room, you can be sure that you have a unique picture.

Translated from Galery Treppenhaus…

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