Hong Kong - part time
Are you a creative mind with ambition, combined with great organization skills and a strong feeling for design? Do you enjoy challenges and want to work in a multicultural work environment? If you’re also passionate about Lomography products, don’t miss the opportunity and apply for this design position!
We are looking for a motivated individual, who has fun spreading Lomography’s way of life and wants to be part of the whole process – from the development of an idea to its realization.
As a designer at Lomography, you will be creating and developing graphics for: newsletters, banners, videos, social media and other digital channels.
- Knowledge of current design programs, in particular the Adobe Creative Suite
- Good English and Cantonese skills (written and spoken)
- Able to take a project from concept through final execution
- Ability to work within a team and a set timeframe
- Creative and open minded, an aesthetic sense and a keen eye for detail
- Flexibility, efficiency and well organized
- Passion for latest trends
- Interest in photography
What we Offer
- The opportunity to contribute to the Lomography legacy and to interact with a large community of creative individuals
- Learn the ins and outs of graphic design
- Opportunity to learn web design through actual work with our design team
- Test all the Lomography gear you ever dreamt of and more
- Be part of a young, international team who loves to occasionally hang out after work
- We always work on interesting new projects, so there’s never a dull moment
- A lomographic welcome package
Part-time (20-30 hours per week)
Start date: as soon as possible
Location: Hong Kong
If you are looking for a young and dynamic organization and are interested in a position where you can develop your skills and take over new responsibilities, apply now to join the Lomography Team by sending your application (including English CV, cover letter and portfolio in PDF < 20 MB only) to and please wait to be contacted by us.
香港是世界上人口最稠密的城市之一,擁有 750 萬不同國籍的居民。由於它的獨特地理位置和歷史,香港是一個東西方文化交融的地方,傳統與現代相結合。我們的辦公室位於香港新界的葵涌區。
Lomography 的工作
我們致力推廣菲林攝影,並希望讓更多國際社群成員以菲林捕捉這個美好的世界。除了官方網上商店,Lomography 與全球眾多國際零售夥伴合作,為大家提供銷售菲林攝影產品等服務。我們除了在官方網上雜誌上發佈重要消息、攝影指南和一系列攝影專訪外,我們還開設了一個 LomoHome 社群,讓社群成員可以上傳他們的照片,以及與全球超過 100 萬的 Lomographer 進行攝影交流及有趣的互動!
Lomography 的背景
Lomographic Society International 是一家致力推廣充滿實驗性和創意菲林攝影文化的世界性群組!我們的團隊來自世界各地,而每一位成員都是非常重要的。我們致力提供一個充滿包容性的工作環境,並為每個人提供平等的工作機會。
在 Lomography 的工作體驗
Lomography 各個團隊會提供不同的工作機會、良好的晉昇機會和豐富的員工福利,相信是很多人夢寐以求的工作環境!Lomography 有超過 15 個不同國家組成的團隊,所以英語會是我們主要溝通的語言。雖然團隊裡每個人有不同的想法,但我們同樣地對攝影充滿熱情!
我們的總部位於維也納,並在倫敦、巴黎、紐約、東京、香港、上海和馬尼拉擁有分公司!我們很樂意協助你調遷到任何分公司。Lomography 國際團隊會一起工作,因此你將能夠與世界各地的同事和社群成員互動!
歡迎在此尋找 Lomography 所有的空缺職位!如果你找到適合你的空缺職位,請立即申請,並告訴我們你對菲林的熱情、你的優點和工作經驗,讓我們知道你會為 Lomography 作出什麼的貢獻。我們會盡快在一星期內回覆你!
我們有不同的部門,包括市場營銷、設計、產品開發和行政等等部門。我們堅信培養各個領域的人才的重要性,所以你一定可以在 Lomography 學到新的東西!
來自世界各地的 Lomography 團隊
Lomography 於 1992 年在維也納成立,多年來集合了世界各地不同的菲林攝影愛好者,而作為一間富有創意的菲林公司,我們不斷製作創新的菲林、相機、 即影即有產品、鏡頭和攝影配件系列,並用心設計和生產多款攝影工具,希望大家以捕捉這個奇妙的世界。
更多空缺職位 (see all)
- Sales & Wholesale Marketing Internship Hong Kong - Traineeship
Lomography 一直在尋找積極進取的人加入我們的團隊!請將你的個人履歷發送至 ,並告訴我們你對哪一個工作職位感興趣。