7 個留言

  1. jayugi
    jayugi ·

    Are those birds on the wire?

  2. renaishashin
    renaishashin ·

    @jayugi : Yup! Birdies!! :D

  3. lawypop
    lawypop ·

    like yr lampost shots! can put together to form series!

  4. renaishashin
    renaishashin ·

    @lawypop : Thx~ But some repeated shot coz wanna get a nicer one haha bad habit!

  5. i_am_four-eyes
    i_am_four-eyes ·

    A little birds on a wire! : ) cool shot!!

  6. renaishashin
    renaishashin ·

    @i_am_four_eyes : Yup, thx~

  7. renaishashin
    renaishashin ·

    * @i_am_four-eyes

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