alexander_krolikowski 的作品

Walking on Petersburgs streets I with my friends feels unique soul of this beautiful city. Streets and nooks of St.Petersburg full of mysterious spirit, spirit of Rasputin, Dostoevski, Gogol and Mendeleev. Spirit of russian undeground scene, spirit of Grebenshikov and Kuryokhin. We met strange street musician with Atari Punk Console, analogue photographers, russian mormons and mimes. Light wind blowing from Neva and brings peculiar river odor. St.Petersburg is amazing sity.

LomoMission 新年任務挑戰!

我們期待已久的 LomoMission 正式回歸,用一個新的挑戰迎接全新一年!

alexander_krolikowski 的參賽作品