wil6ka 的作品

Margareta + Jonatan (Sweden #23)

My swedish friend riend Jonatan and his Mom Margareta almost feel like a second family. I shared with him my loft in Hamburg for more than six years and we know eachother inside out. Such a great guy, who his artistic spirit from Margareta, a painter for more than 40 years. When she visited first I was so surprised how well she integrated into our little artistic bunch, blending in like rays of sun. They both inspire me and I love to visit them in their original home in Nordingra at the high coast. And that gave me the rare opportunity to make some family shots of both of them.

Monochrome: 街角裏的愛情故事

讓愛,在城市每一個角落裏蔓延! 我們等待你用黑白照片,在熙來攘往的街道上捕捉最真摯的愛情故事!

wil6ka 的參賽作品