4 個留言

  1. roaringtree
    roaringtree ·

    I just love the 'feel' these Polaroids bring!

  2. seencity
    seencity ·

    I feel the same @roaringtree. Polaroid film is a unique animal....some shots are disasters...and others are breathtaking. I'm glad it's back and I really love my SX-70 camera (I use an updated MiNT SLR-670X) - the ability to compose looking through the lens like with SLRs is what sold it for me.
    Back to image quality - here's one of south Philadelphia from up high that I took last year - I was enthralled by the way it turned out:

    Along with a few others with a special look from my personal list of faves:

  3. roaringtree
    roaringtree ·

    Thank you for the links, @seencity, they are stunning and show that when it is right, Polaroids nail the sense of place and feel!

  4. seencity
    seencity ·

    You’re welcome @roaringtree and thanks for taking a look and commenting!

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