#elseñordelaventanadeenfrente ¡en analógico!

Sígueme en Twitter @susielomovitz y vigila de cerca a #elseñordelaventanadeenfrente - Follow me on Twitter @susielomovitz and keep an eye on #elseñordelaventanadeenfrente.

14 個留言

  1. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @juano, @triky76, @vgzalez, @guanatos, @yomimmo1 (seguro que se me olvida alguien...): ¡Va por ustedes! #elseñordelaventanadeenfrenteanalogico

  2. alloftheabove
    alloftheabove ·

    Susie - forgive my terrible spanish, but are you SPYING on your neighbours?!! ;)

  3. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @alloftheabove: mmmmjummmmm... yes I am! - He is ALWAYS there! Always! Always! Incredible... ;).

  4. alloftheabove
    alloftheabove ·

    This is where you find out that he is on Lomography too, posting pics of you taking pics of him and saying "she is ALWAYS there! Always! Always!" ;)

  5. guanatos
    guanatos ·

    todo un mito #elseñordelaventanadeenfrente ahora por fin en analógico jajajaja grande @susielomovitz

  6. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @alloftheabove THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!! His photos of me would be much more interesting ;). haha. He's always working on his computer, a friend of mine belives he is writting a novel "The girl at the window".

  7. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @guanatos :D

  8. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @alloftheabove "The lady in the opossite window" would be a nice title ;).

  9. alloftheabove
    alloftheabove ·

    @susielomovitz - "The watcher in the window"? or "The crazy lady in the opposite window"?! Let's just hope he doesn't decide to put on a "show"!

  10. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    "The crazy lady in the opposite window"! That's the title! Hahahaha.

  11. djramsay
    djramsay ·

    great idea :)

  12. littlekoala
    littlekoala ·

    que intriga y un poquit de miedo a la vez, jejeje! me dan ganas de hacerme twitter solo por seguirle!

  13. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @littlekoala ¿tendrá Twitter él? Es todo intriga #elseñordelaventanadeenfrente

  14. susielomovitz
    susielomovitz ·

    @djramsay :) thanks!

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