

My cameras: Crown Graphic, Pentax6x7,Hasselblad 553ELX,Mamiya RB67,Baby-Rolleiflex4x4, Moskva5, Contax RTSiii
Enlarger: Beseler 45MXT, dichro45s
Development tools: JOBOdrum 4531, Beseler 8x10 processing drum, handmade motor base, Developing film tank from AP, low-temperature cooker.

I develop film (color negative & positive) by C41, next print on 8x10 or 10x12 size photographic paper and then scan it.
(Lately, I've been cheating by capturing film using a mirrorless DSLR camera...)

I'm also trying to develop and print 70mm film!
Shooting with Hasselblad's Magazine 70.

I also like taking pictures using LomoGraflok 4x5 Instant Back.
LomoGraflok 4x5 Instant Back is great!

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