Just love taking pictures.
Check out my tumblr brendanasanartist.tumblr.com/
Also check out my nonsense on twitter twitter.com/#!/GoatOfRocketh
London/United Kingdom
我的相片 我的照片集 我的筆記 My Likes
相簿: Hadleigh
shared by goatofrocketh on 2012-06-02 · 28 張照片 388 -
相簿: Bored in the garden
shared by goatofrocketh on 2012-05-31 · 19 張照片 10 272 -
相簿: I'm running out of names for albums
shared by goatofrocketh on 2012-05-27 · 17 張照片 158 -
相簿: Super 8 stills
shared by goatofrocketh on 2012-04-09 · 47 張照片 1 250 -
相簿: Another B&W IR self-processed failure.
shared by goatofrocketh on 2012-04-08 · 36 張照片 163 -
相簿: Look at all the spins I give.
shared by goatofrocketh on 2012-04-08 · 28 張照片 192
My Metas
- Tags:
- 35mm
- 35mm.
- agfa
- analogue
- c-41
- color
- colour
- country
- country-park
- daylight.
- digibase
- e-6
- e6
- expired.
- film
- forest
- fran
- francisco.
- holiday
- holiday.
- home-developed
- home-process
- home-processed
- horizon
- impossible
- instant
- ir
- kit
- life
- london
- maxi
- park
- polaroid
- project
- rollei
- rollei-digibase
- rollei-digibase-c41
- san
- self-developed
- self-process
- self-processed
- snow
- spinner
- sprockets
- summer
- super
- trees
- vista.
- woods
- xpro
- Cameras:
- Canon Canonet Junior
- Holga 120 TLR
- Horizon Perfekt
- Lomo Lubitel 166B
- Lomography Actionsampler Flash
- Lomography Spinner 360
- Lomography Sprocket Rocket
- Lomography Supersampler
- Nishika N8000
- Polaroid
- Polaroid 600
- Polaroid 636 Close Up
- Polaroid 660
- Polaroid SX-70
- Polaroid sx-70 Sonar
- Rollei Rolleiflex SL35e
- Rolleiflex 35e
- SX-70 Sonar
- Spectra
- rollei-super8
- Films:
- Agfa Vista 100 ((35mm) ex
- Agfa Vista 200
- Ektachrome 100D
- FUJI Superia 1600
- Fuji NPZ 800
- Fuji Provia 400X (35mm)
- Fuji Velvia
- Kodak BW400CN
- Kodak EIR Infrared
- Kodak Elitechrome ED
- Konica Minolta Centuria
- Lomography Color Negative 800 ISO 35mm
- Lomography Redscale XR 50-200 35mm
- Lomography XPro 200 ISO 35mm
- PX 100 UV+
- Polaroid
- Rollei Crossbird
- Rollei Infrared
- Rollei Redbird
- Rollei nightbird 800