

+ 簡介: _of_ +
of 是取自我的initials — Olivia Fung;也剛好是一個preposition,用於連接兩組詞彙 — _ of (的) _。想表達的,不僅是藝術的無限可能性,同時這些縱然是我的創作,其實也有屬於每個你的個人演譯,就如《小王子》中,小男孩所繪畫的那條吃掉大象的蛇,大人看到的卻是一頂帽子。現在,你眼晴身處的這個小宇宙(亦即這個平台),本意是希望任憑你放空或放任你的腦袋,亦希望在這裡的某個貼文能觸動在未來路過的你。

Instagram: www.instagram.com/blank.of.blank/

+ About: _of_ +
<Translated by my dear friend, Rose🌹>
The word “of” springs from the initials of my name – “Olivia Fung” which so happens to be also a preposition, a dot of connection in between two groups of words. Not only does it connotes a sense of (im)possibilities in the Arts, but also, how while the Arts here are of my creation, there is, at the same time, a piece of everyone of you and your interpretation embedded in them. Just as the boa constrictor who has swallowed an elephant in The Little Prince, in the eyes of the grown-ups, it may look as if it is but a hat. This little universe where your eyes lie (i.e. this platform before you) would like to invite you to let go and let lose of your mind and more importantly, to find that little post somewhere here which would touch the future you who so happens – to stumble upon this land.

There are creations other than photos on Instagram too. Feel free to go there and let lose of your mind.
Instagram: www.instagram.com/blank.of.blank/

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