The Streets Of My Town / The House Of Tin And Timber

I found this rather quirky camera (or should I say this quirky camera found me), that takes what is termed as 'half frame' photographs. Like many people whom have discovered this particular format, it works exceptionally well at creating panoramas. This piece is a compositional exercise. The same building was photographed from different angles to create a street scene. The old Volkswagen was photographed in a similar manner and added to the series to compliment the street scene theme.

11 個留言

  1. lomodesbro
    lomodesbro ·

    Well done

  2. eyeseaimages
    eyeseaimages ·

    Thank you!
    Due to the design of these cameras it is just about impossible to take bad photographs. The clever engineers at Olympus have an ingenious system build into the camera in whereby a red flag pops up in the viewfinder (and in turn, locks the shutter) when the subject is poorly composed. This very practical feature makes photographing in a panoramic style a doddle. :P

  3. flaviaslick
    flaviaslick ·

    super cool!

  4. eyeseaimages
    eyeseaimages ·

    Grazie molto :D

  5. seret
    seret ·

    Nice exercise and result. 24x24 and 24x18 give very different approach. I'm a Robot fan but mine is currently out of order .
    Thanks for your visit on my Home yesterday.

  6. eyeseaimages
    eyeseaimages ·

    @seret Thank you for your comment. I am interest to find out what the Robot camera is all about. Have uploaded any examples to your home?

  7. seret
    seret ·

    There is brief description on camera wiki:
    Berning Robot camera are with automatic spring winding with a cartridge system.
    There are the early point and shoot model II, Junior and Star which are 24x24.
    Then, there are the Royal models: 18x24 (rare), 24x24 and 24x36. These are rangefinders and have continuous shooting mode.
    Here is review with…
    Lenses are superb Zeiss and Schneider ones.
    Later the company was based in east germany and did traffic control systemsand crazy camera devices for the stasi secret services.
    I have taken only family shots that I do no share for the moment. I'm trying to repair it and might share pictures if successful.

  8. xoch_photosfera
    xoch_photosfera ·

    GREAT!! :)

  9. eyeseaimages
    eyeseaimages ·

    Muchas gracias! @xoch_photosfera

  10. oscarmoroni
    oscarmoroni ·

    Beautiful composition and VW 411 Fastback!

  11. eyeseaimages
    eyeseaimages ·

    Thanks for the comment and the interest in the images.
    I was lucky enough to be custodian for the ’65 VW Fastback pictured here for almost 10 years. Being the first Fastback variant, it is a very rare model here in Australia particularly with original 6-volt electrical system.
    The car has since been ‘snapped up’ by the director of Volkswagen Australia, given a full nut and bolt restore and is featured in his private collection.

More photos by eyeseaimages