johku 的作品

my all time favorite - and it's a selfie :D

Last day before the man burned. Good day. Late morning, abstract face painting, exploring art, #bloom, sunset. A selfie of happiness and serenity after making it to get coffee from center camp last minute before they close. All is well, playa provides.

Human Stories: 歡樂溫暖的 Lomography 大家庭

忙碌的生活中總會不小心遺忘最重要的人-家人與朋友。聖誕節正好讓你為他們準備禮物,好好感謝他們一年來的照顧!參加比賽贏取 Lomography 禮物包,內附超棒的 Lomo LC-A+ 菲林相機!

johku 的參賽作品